Years 7 – 9

Years 7 - 9

At Key Stage 3, we want to enable girls to pursue a wide variety of academic and extra-curricular interests to the full. We want to foster a love of learning independently of exams and to encourage inquisitive, motivated and creative thinkers. We want to nurture resilience and robustness: students who are willing to take risks in the classroom and who are not afraid of failure. We are lucky to have girls from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds and we want them to enjoy their life at school and feel part of a supportive community, valuing this diversity. We want the girls to become valued team players and also develop leadership skills. We want them to build and enjoy lasting friendships, to enjoy their time out of school and to lead a balanced life.


In each of Years 7 to 9, girls study a broad curriculum. In Year 7 these subjects are: English, Mathematics, Science, French, German, Latin, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Music, Art, Drama, Design Technology and Engineering, Physical Education and Computing.  In Years 8 and 9, girls study all of the same subjects as in Year 7 except Computing. Spanish is added to the curriculum in Years 8 and 9. Students are taught in form groups and are not put into sets or streams for any subjects at Key Stage 3.

There is a Consultation Evening for parents once a year for parents to discuss their daughter’s progress, which is attended by all teaching staff  Parents also receive an interim report towards the end of the Autumn Term and an annual written report of academic progress, towards the end of the school year. Academic progress is monitored throughout the year and progress is reviewed with girls so that strategies for improvement and development can be discussed.

If you have any enquiries about the Curriculum, please contact Deputy Head, Mrs M Watts, via [email protected].


Pastoral Care

Girls in Years 7 to 9 (Key Stage 3) are placed into a Form Group of 26 pupils under the care of a Form Tutor. The weekly assembly and tutorial programme provides the opportunity for girls to take part in a variety of activities and, in particular, supports the pastoral team in ensuring that Year 7 successfully make the transition from primary education. Girls also generate creative and fun ideas to fundraise actively for charities. The pastoral care of the pupils and work of the Form Tutors is overseen by Heads of Year for each year group. The Heads of Year also monitor the overall progress of all girls in Years 7 to 9 and can be contacted at any time if parents have concerns or queries about their child.

The Key Stage Three Pastoral Team
Head of Year 7: Mr Daniel Supperstone ([email protected])
Head of Year 8: Ms Katie Fusi ([email protected])
Head of Year 9: Mr David Southall ([email protected])

Our Stats

  • 28 Oxbridge Offers (20 Cambridge and 8 Oxford) in 2022
  • Over 89% A*-A at A Level and 97% A*-B; 94% Grades 8 and 9 at GCSE in Summer 2022
  • Top girls’ state school in the country in The Sunday Times Parent Power magazine 2023
Academic Programme
We are committed to providing a broad education that is ambitious, varied and stimulating.
Years 7 - 9
At Key Stage 3, we want to enable girls to pursue a wide variety of academic and extra-curricular interests to the full.
Years 10 - 11
Progress into Key Stage 4 is both a psychological one, entering the ‘GCSE years’, as well as a literal one.
Sixth Form
Sixth Form is a vibrant, friendly and happy community, where every student is valued and given individual attention.