

'Economics is too important to be left to the experts' - Ha-Joon Chang

Key Stage 5

Students are new to the subject at A Level but quickly gain an understanding of both the micro and macro aspects of Economics. In Year 12 the focus is on how markets work and how markets can fail. The theory of demand and supply is a core part of the course. Also covered in the course are measures of economic performance, such as growth and employment, and government policies to achieve macroeconomic goals. We follow the Pearson Edexcel (Route A) board.

In Year 13 much greater depth is required, and the macroeconomic focus is on the global economy, not just the UK. The course includes the causes and impacts of globalisation, patterns and determinants of trade and competitiveness, how countries develop, and government macroeconomic policies. The students also gain a greater insight into how businesses compete in markets and what is meant by efficiency.

Much emphasis is placed on applying the economic concepts studied to the real world. There is a good deal of debate and discussion of topical economic issues, and group work is frequently used to wrestle with key questions encountered in the course. Students are encouraged to be independent learners and have many opportunities to develop their presentation skills.

A good number of students go on to study Economics at prestigious universities.

Economics Curriculum Breakdown for each Key Stage

 Curriculum activities and trips

The students are encouraged to make the most of the many extra-curricular opportunities available, both in school and externally. There is an active Economics Society that organises weekly meetings and debates which include some outside speaker-led meetings and produces an annual Economics Magazine. Year 12 students visit the Bank of England in the summer term and Year 13 students attend a revision workshop in the Spring Term. Many students also attend external lectures and presentations at, for example, the London School of Economics and University College, London. Students are also actively encouraged to enter national essay-writing competitions.

A group of A Level Economics students recently produced a magazine which can be downloaded below.

Economics Magazine 2023
Studying Economics at HBS has allowed me to understand in greater depth the economic events that happen around us, which has been interesting and fulfilling.
HBS Student
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Academic Programme
We are committed to providing a broad education that is ambitious, varied and stimulating.
Years 7 - 9
At Key Stage 3, we want to enable girls to pursue a wide variety of academic and extra-curricular interests to the full.
Years 10 - 11
Progress into Key Stage 4 is both a psychological one, entering the ‘GCSE years’, as well as a literal one.
Sixth Form
Sixth Form is a vibrant, friendly and happy community, where every student is valued and given individual attention.