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Head's Welcome

The Henrietta Barnett School (HBS) is a non-denominational grammar school for girls aged 11-18. We became an Academy in April 2012. Founded in 1911 and situated in the peaceful surroundings of the Hampstead Garden Suburb, the school is a charming Lutyens-designed Grade II* Listed Building.

  1. HBS is a warm, friendly and vibrant community that prides itself on happy and productive relationships. We are consistently one of the top state schools in the country and have an exemplary local and national reputation for academic excellence.

Dame Henrietta Barnett strongly believed in the power of education to shape people’s lives and founded the School to provide educational opportunities of the highest quality for its students. She built the School on the principle that education should be open to girls from different backgrounds to study and learn together and from each other. This principle is alive and well at HBS.

We provide a broad education that is ambitious, varied and stimulating. Academic excellence and a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities are offered in an open, caring and supportive environment, enabling each individual to thrive and achieve her potential. We are committed to developing the whole person, encouraging students to explore their interests in a wide variety of ways and promoting curiosity of mind, independence of spirit and a love of learning.

In a culture of respect for others but without the need for bells or lists of imposed rules, HBS students are driven by self-motivation, self-discipline and a common purpose, a thirst for learning and a strong sense of pride in belonging to the diverse, inclusive, high-performing, friendly and supportive school community. They leave HBS full of integrity and ambition, ready and equipped to make a positive contribution to society, with the world at their fingertips.



This website will enable you to discover more about the School, but none of this replaces an experience of the School itself. Over recent years we have completed ambitious refurbishment and new build projects, including the complete refurbishment of the Queen Mary Science Wing involving the replacement of 6 outdated labs with 8 contemporary ones and the opening of two new state-of-the-art buildings that house a new Music and Drama School and an Art and Design & Technology Centre, with a Mac Suite and Cafe. Our most recent development is the extension and refurbishment of our Library, which is now an inspirational space, fit for purpose and loved by all.

HBS is an amazing place – do come and visit us! We would be delighted to welcome you on one of our Open Days, show you around the school and answer your questions. Please see our Admissions section for more information. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Mrs Clare Wagner BA (Bristol) MSc (Oxon) NPQH


Paper copies of any of the policies or other information on this website are available on request – contact the school ([email protected] or phone 020 8458 8999).

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Safeguarding Statment

  • The Henrietta Barnett School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
  • Our Designated Safeguarding Person is Miss Kimberley Jackson, Assistant Head.
  • For more details, please see our Safeguarding Policy here.
I love Geography because it's everywhere. It allows me to understand the world we live in and make independent, informed decisions.
student of hbs
I love Geography because it's everywhere. It allows me to understand the world we live in and make independent, informed decisions.
HBS Student
I love Geography because it's everywhere. It allows me to understand the world we live in and make independent, informed decisions.
HBS Teacher
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Nam ac magna sapien. Vivamus nec pharetra enim. Sed luctus maximus felis ut consectetur. Aliquam commodo ex non purus laoreet egestas. Praesent laoreet varius libero, non volutpat ex facilisis feugiat. Donec non orci fermentum, placerat turpis id, laoreet lorem. Aliquam ut sapien quis felis blandit accumsan eget a sapien. Proin tempus pellentesque risus quis porttitor. Morbi quis euismod elit. Mauris a lacus tristique, elementum enim ut, feugiat tellus. Nulla facilisi. Aenean vulputate, sapien in blandit sodales, mi nulla venenatis magna, eu dignissim massa purus convallis mauris. Maecenas scelerisque, ipsum vitae pharetra condimentum, nisi odio malesuada magna, a lacinia ipsum metus ut eros.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pharetra varius mi a mattis. Mauris pulvinar leo eget nisi dictum porttitor. Vivamus vestibulum a urna ac congue. Integer vitae orci neque. Nunc fringilla tristique aliquet. Ut convallis convallis bibendum. Aliquam maximus facilisis mauris, vitae mollis nulla tristique quis. Aenean interdum porttitor libero. Curabitur et egestas eros.

Nam ac magna sapien. Vivamus nec pharetra enim. Sed luctus maximus felis ut consectetur. Aliquam commodo ex non purus laoreet egestas. Praesent laoreet varius libero, non volutpat ex facilisis feugiat. Donec non orci fermentum, placerat turpis id, laoreet lorem. Aliquam ut sapien quis felis blandit accumsan eget a sapien. Proin tempus pellentesque risus quis porttitor. Morbi quis euismod elit. Mauris a lacus tristique, elementum enim ut, feugiat tellus. Nulla facilisi. Aenean vulputate, sapien in blandit sodales, mi nulla venenatis magna, eu dignissim massa purus convallis mauris. Maecenas scelerisque, ipsum vitae pharetra condimentum, nisi odio malesuada magna, a lacinia ipsum metus ut eros.

Pupil Profile

Miss Fizza Surname

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Pupil Profile

Miss Fizza Surname

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Visit Us

Central Square, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London NW11 7BN

020 8458 8999  General Enquires

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