HBSA Newsletter
Download and read our latest annual Newsletter (Edition 51) here.
If you have something you’d like to share about your time at school and/or life AFTER HBS including updates to be included in the alumnae newsletter, please contact HBSA Committee members Tina Kane or Rebekkah Abraham. If you have met up with old school friends for a special anniversary reunion, or have news about yourself and/or other ‘old girls’, we’d be delighted to share it with the broader alumnae community. Readers particularly enjoy seeing old (and current) pictures of alumnae and hearing about their lives and careers since leaving HBS.
Join the HBS Alumnae community
HBS likes to stay in touch with alumnae. HBSA represents the alumnae community and has, over many years, established an extensive database of former HBS students, dating back very many years. To be added to the HBS Alumnae database please complete this short online form.
Alumnae receive an annual newsletter, reunion invitations to events including the annual Reunion Supper and information about other HBS and related events, fundraising and other School initiatives and developments.
GDPR (data protection) legislation requires us to ask all HBSA contacts in our database if you wish to continue to be contacted by us. If you can have not already responded, please use the form found here.
Become an HBSA Life Member now
Life Membership to the HBSA costs just £35! Membership fees cover the cost of producing and distributing the annual HBSA Newsletter and allow us to make modest donations towards other School events and Association activities. While we are moving into the electronic age and, wherever possible, want to publish HBSA news by email, printing costs still eat up most of our revenues. Please support your Association and ensure that we can continue to produce our Newsletter for the benefit of old g