Structure of the Governing Body
The Governing Body is the directors of the company and is also the trustees, constituted under the Articles of Association of the Academy Trust. Governors may also be Members of the Academy Trust. Click here for links to the Memorandum & Articles of Association and the Funding Agreement.
The Full Governing Body meets 4 times in each academic year. The Chair of Governors is Dr Timo Hannay and the Vice-Chair is Mrs Lisa Coffman, who can be contacted via the School address. In addition, there are 7 permanent Committees. Please see the links below giving information about the Governors’ Strategic Plan and Code of Conduct, Governor Committees – Areas of Oversight, Governor Appointments and Governing Body Attendance Table. The Clerk to the Governors is Veronica Haidar, who can be contacted at [email protected].
The Members are: Mrs Kate Bearman, Ms Francesca Barnes, Mr Peter Cosmetatos, Professor Gary Stephens, Mr Kirit Amin and Mrs Lisa Coffman.
- Property & Premises – meets 3 times in each academic year (Lisa Coffman (Chair), Jonathan Kendall, Pragya Mehta, Sarah Rollo, Natasha Rosen plus Head, School Business Manager and IT & Estates Manager).
- Education & Wellbeing – meets 3 times (termly) in each academic year (Governors: Yang Hao (Chair), Lisa Coffman (Safeguarding & Pupil Premium Link Governor), Vanessa Gearson, Esther Bannister, plus Head, Assistant Heads and School Business Manager).
- Finance, Audit & Fundraising – meets 3 times (termly) in each academic year (Governors: Farah Zaidi (Chair), Gumayel Miah, Timo Hannay, plus Head and School Business Manager).
- Pay – meets in July each academic year and again as needed (Governors: Chair & Vice-Chair of Governors, Chair of Finance, Audit and Fundraising and Head).
A register of interests can be found below.
The Chair of Governors and Clerk to the Governors can be contacted at c/o The Henrietta Barnett School.
Central Square
Hampstead Garden Suburb
NW11 7BN
[email protected]