Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing

At HBS we recognise that positive wellbeing and good mental health is vital for our students’ happiness and achievement. There is an explicit focus on this within our PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education) and Physical Education curriculum, and tutorial and assembly programmes, as well as more widely with lunch time speakers, extra-curricular activities, trips and visits, and in the everyday ethos and work of the School.

The aim of this area of the website is to provide links to good quality information and guidance on mental health and wellbeing. We encourage students and parents with any concerns to get in touch with us.

Young Minds – a fantastic organisation offering free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person.

NSPCC  – The NSPCC’s Parents’ site recognises a big part of keeping children safe is making sure to look after their emotional and mental well-being. The site offers information on an array of topics including mental health and wellbeing; self-harm; sexual behaviour; and talking about difficult topics.

Royal Society of Psychiatrists – The main professional body for psychiatrists in the UK believes that everyone needs knowledge to make informed decisions about their health and aim to produce information which is: evidence-based, accessible and up-to-date. Their online A-Z leaflets cover all areas of mental health

NHS Live Well

Talk To Frank  – an advice section of the site for parents offering up to date advice and information about drugs, providing access to live chat, email and telephone support, as well as leaflets, FAQs and links to other sites.

Health Matters  – a confidential, interactive school nursing website designed to promote health in young people

Alcohol Education Trust  – a charity offering information and advice to help parents to discuss issues around alcohol with their children.

Positive Mental Health Policy

Our Stats

  • 1911 School Founded by Dame Henrietta Barnett
  • Over 88% A*-A at A Level and 97% A*-B; 94% Grades 8 and 9 at GCSE in Summer 2022
  • State School of Year 2023 for academic achievement in The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide
  • 34 Oxbridge offers January 2023 (24% of the Year 13 year group)
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