Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care, Well-Being and Safeguarding of our students are key priorities for The Henrietta Barnett School. The school is a very warm, friendly and supportive community and staff work to create an environment in which the whole person can flourish.

Mrs Claire Leek has overall responsibility for Pastoral Care in the school and is the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead. Mrs Leek works with the Pastoral Team to ensure that each student is provided with exceptional support and is well known and valued throughout their time here. We aim to ensure that students fulfil their personal potential, flourish and thrive. We believe that is it essential that students learn to be confident and self-assured, and that at school they gain all the skills they need to pursue their hopes and dreams, and are instilled with a strong sense of self-belief, adventure and ambition. We also teach the students the importance of good self-care, getting a good night’s sleep, nutrition, the sensible use of social media and digital devices, physical exercise and having a healthy work/life balance. We also actively promote an ethos of kindness, respect and inclusion.

"We want each individual student to be well known, valued and well supported throughout their time at the school"
Mrs Claire Leek, Assistant Head (Designated Safeguarding Lead, Pastoral and Personal Development)
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New Students

We know that coming into a new school can be daunting, but the Head of Year 7, Mr Daniel Supperstone and his team of tutors provide a very warm welcome to all of our new students and plan a variety of activities so that they can make new friends and quickly feel part of the school. We want them to settle in as quickly as possible, to find their way around the site and to know who they can talk to if they need any help or advice. The same approach is taken in the Sixth Form, when approximately 50 new students join the school every year.


Pastoral Support

All students have a form tutor and a Head of Year (in Key Stage 3) or Head of Key Stage (Key Stages 4 and 5). The pastoral programme includes assemblies, form tutor times and PSHCE lessons (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education), all of which include a focus on well-being, positive mental health and good self-care. The Pastoral Team and form tutors are all there to help the students to navigate their way through school and to help with any issues that may arise, which may be connected to their life inside or outside of school. The Pastoral Team also organises day and residential trips for year groups so that students can consolidate friendships and make new ones.

For more information on Mental Health and Well-being please see here.

For more information about Online Safety please see here.

“My aim is that the students are exceptionally confident and have a strong sense of self-belief, adventure and ambition by the time they leave the school”
Mrs Mandy Watts, Acting Head
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The school also has two school counsellors, who provide additional support for students as required. We work closely with outside agencies to ensure that students are well-supported and provided with the best counselling possible, either in school or with CAMHS. It is of vital importance to us that students are listened to, cared for and supported with any issues and difficulties that they are experiencing. All of the pastoral team have Level 3 Safeguarding Training.


New Health and Well-Being Centre

This year we have opened a new Health and Well-Being Centre, which will provide excellent first aid and health support for the students and a hub for Well-Being. The hub will be a place of calm and reflection for students, and will also offer activities and sessions that support well-being and positive mental health.

The Pastoral Team
Mrs Claire Leek Assistant Head (Designated Safeguarding Lead) (Pastoral and Personal Development)
Ms Kimberley Green Well-being and Safeguarding Officer (Senior Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mr Daniel Supperstone Head of Year 7
Ms Katie Fusi Head of Year 8
Mr David Southall Head of Year 9
Mrs Karmjit Regan and Ms Jessica Rodwell Joint Heads of Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)
Mrs Susan Graff Head of Sixth Form
Mrs Anthea Williams Assistant Head of Sixth Form (Pastoral)

Our Stats

  • 1911 School Founded by Dame Henrietta Barnett
  • Over 88% A*-A at A Level and 97% A*-B; 94% Grades 8 and 9 at GCSE in Summer 2022
  • State School of Year 2023 for academic achievement in The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide
  • 34 Oxbridge offers January 2023 (24% of the Year 13 year group)
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