An Academy is a state-funded independent school governed by an Academy Trust. The following links provide details of the formal agreement and documents for the school’s conversion.
Academy Status & Annual Accounts
Following full consideration and consultation, The Henrietta Barnett School converted from voluntary-aided status to academy status on 1st April 2012.
Number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100k in 2022-23: £110k – £120k = 1 (2021-22: £110k–£120k = 1)
Academic rigour is a crucial feature of the school’s curriculum, including in the Sixth Form provision
The school’s provision for pupils’ broader development is of high quality. A rich programme of extra-curricular activities is offered, including in sports and the arts
Inspectors saw nothing less than impeccable behaviour, with pupils highly interested in their learning
A strong leadership team fosters a culture where high achievement permeates the school. This is the case in academic studies and in pupils’ personal development
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Our Stats
- 1911 School Founded by Dame Henrietta Barnett
- Over 88% A*-A at A Level and 97% A*-B; 94% Grades 8 and 9 at GCSE in Summer 2022
- State School of Year 2023 for academic achievement in The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide
- 34 Oxbridge offers January 2023 (24% of the Year 13 year group)