Careers Education

Careers Education

Careers Education at HBS aims to ensure each individual student develops their own understanding, self-awareness and knowledge to enable them to make informed decisions about their future education and career path.


The Careers Education programme at HBS aims to ensure that each student develops an understanding of themselves, their abilities and interests has access to accurate, up-to-date careers information and guidance that is presented in an impartial manner enables them to make informed choices about a broad range of career options helps them to fulfil their potential gains a greater knowledge of the range of education, training and careers opportunities open to them is fully informed and supported to make career-related decisions at key transition stages takes part in work-related activities in and out of school.

The school’s careers programme has also been developed to meet the eight Gatsby Career benchmarks which comprise:

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance

You can find our Careers Education Policies below

Careers Education Policy
Careers Policy Statement on Provider Access

Details of the programme

Careers education at HBS is delivered in a variety of ways: students learn about career-related topics in their PSHCE lessons, through talks from internal and external speakers, various trips, work experience, one to one sessions with careers advisers and members of staff and also within individual departments and through the assembly and tutorial programme.

There are also specific career-related events held annually for sixth form students, including the Higher Education and Medicine and Dentistry Evenings and UCAS Day. The annual Careers Fair – at which around 50 volunteers from a wide range of different sectors and industries attend – is open to all students in Years 11 to 13.

All students in Years 9-13 have their own account with Unifrog which is a destinations platform providing impartial research on careers, subjects and courses. It is also the vehicle used in Sixth Form for processing UCAS applications within school. Students have allocated lesson time to access the platform and develop their profiles and can also browse the site in their own time using a laptop, phone or tablet.

Further details of the careers education for each year group are provided below:

Key Stage 3

In Year 7 students are introduced to the topic of careers and skills in PSHCE; they also start to learn about ‘money skills’ and understand financial concepts.

In Year 8 students are encouraged to develop their skills of time management and introduced to the concept of ‘growth mindsets’ in PSHCE; they are also given an introduction to the economy.

In Year 9 students undertake a PSHCE module on enterprise, introducing them to business basics, and extend their understanding of finance and money; they also start identifying their strengths and interests. At this stage, students and parents are given all the necessary information on making GCSE subject choices at HBS; they are given an account on Unifrog, to help them explore the link between these choices and interests to future careers and have a group session with a Careers Adviser to discuss the impact of GCSE subject decisions on university and career choices. Students in older years offer guidance and support through a Year 12 Subject Fair and ‘vertical links sessions’ with Year 10.

Key Stage 4

In Year 10 students start thinking about A level subject choices and links with university degree and career choices as well as their own interests and skills in PSHCE; they also continue to explore effective study skills and money management and to explore the Unifrog platform.

In Year 11 students research potential placements, prepare CVs and covering letters, learn about employability skills and appropriate conduct in the workplace in PSHCE lessons in preparation for work experience placements in the summer. Students and parents attend the ‘Introduction to Sixth Form’ evening and are provided with all the relevant information on making suitable A level choices, including sessions for students with an external Careers Adviser. Students attend the Careers Fair and have the option of joining a trip to Cambridge University to learn more about universities and degree courses in general and the Oxbridge application process more specifically. Older students hold a subject fair to provide guidance GCSE subject choices. In PSHCE the students also learn more about financial risk, insurance, tax and student finance.

Sixth Form

In Year 12 students attend a range of talks on preparation for vocational courses, courses at competitive universities and apprenticeships; the Higher Education and Medicine and Dentistry Evenings include talks from external speakers on Oxbridge and applying for Medicine respectively. They are provided with all relevant information on the UCAS process, drafting personal statements and choice of courses. Students are encouraged to undertake further work experience, shadowing and university visits and attend the UCAS exhibition at Excel Centre. Older students and alumnae also provide advice and support, and there is an opportunity to meet an external Careers Adviser. The regular ‘Life Skills’ sessions include material on presenting at interview, apprenticeships and talks from speakers in a range of careers.

In Year 13 students are given extensive guidance and support in completing their Personal Statements and UCAS forms (via Unifrog) and there is an opportunity to meet an external Careers Adviser. Students are provided with material and sessions on interviews (including MMI style interviews, pre-admission tests, pre-interview Oxbridge tests, Oxbridge interviews and interviews for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science) and all students who will have a university interview are given mock interviews with an external, subject-specific interviewer. Their regular Lifeskills sessions also provide important pastoral and practical advice about living independently.

Support for the Careers Programme

The HBS careers programme is greatly enhanced through a fantastic range of support from parents and alumnae. A survey is sent out at the beginning of the academic year requesting help with many aspects of the programme, including the Careers Fair, mock interviews, work experience placements and careers talks etc.


Leavers’ Destinations

A key aspect of the Careers Education programme is to enable students to make suitable GCSE and A level subject choices and, beyond school, to successfully apply for university degrees and apprenticeships and, ultimately, future employment. HBS students invariably leave school to commence one of an impressive variety of different courses at top universities in the UK and abroad; a small but increasing number are also attaining highly coveted places on top apprenticeship schemes. A list of leavers’ destinations can be found here.

If you would like any further information about any aspects of the HBS Careers programme, please contact Claire Leek, the HBS Head of Careers, by email at [email protected].

We are committed to providing a broad education that is ambitious, varied and stimulating.
Years 7 - 9
At Key Stage 3, we want to enable girls to pursue a wide variety of academic and extra-curricular interests to the full.
Years 10 - 11
Progress into Key Stage 4 is both a psychological one, entering the ‘GCSE years’, as well as a literal one.
Sixth Form
Sixth Form is a vibrant, friendly and happy community, where every student is valued and given individual attention.